Pre & Post Activities
Pre & Post Activities at The Neon Museum are classroom lesson plans designed for teacher use before and after a field trip, aimed at enhancing the overall educational experience. These activities help prepare students for the museum’s collection and provide a means to reflect and conclude their learning after the visit.
What is a Museum?
Recommended Grade(s): Lower Elementary (K-2), Upper Elementary (3-5)
Overview: Students will learn about the defining characteristics of museums by contributing to a class anchor chart. They will then zoom in to The Neon Museum by completing a KWL chart.
Think Like a Curator
Recommended Grade(s): Upper Elementary (3-5), Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Overview: Using the acronym CATCH, students will learn qualities, characteristics, and guiding questions to consider when looking at a sign in our collection that CATCHes their attention.
Learning to Look
Recommended Grade(s): Upper Elementary (3-5), Middle School (6-8)
Overview: In this activity, students will step into the unique role of a museum curator and design a layout of how they think The Neon Museum’s collection is organized.
Field Trip Reflections
Recommended Grade(s): Lower Elementary (K-2), Upper Elementary (3-5), Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Overview: Using the acronym CATCH, students will learn qualities, characteristics, and guiding questions to consider when looking at a sign in our collection that CATCHes their attention.
Design & Write a Postcard
Recommended Grade(s): Lower Elementary (K-2), Upper Elementary (3-5)
Overview: In this activity, students will have the opportunity to recollect their favorite part(s) of their field trip by designing a postcard and writing a message to a friend.
Write a Newspaper Article
Recommended Grade(s): Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Overview: Students will choose one property they learned about during their field trip and will write a newspaper article highlighting a historical event that occurred at that property.